


Word Games

In the video you saw some pictures that were used to illustrate some words or phrases. Match the elements that go together.

Level 1

Level 1: Match the picture and the right phrase


Level 2

Level 2: Match the phrase and its definition. Click on the right option below the picture. 

If you want, you can listen to the recording of each option by clicking on the red icon.

If you aren't sure which option is correct, go to Resources and download the pdf for Unit 1.


Level 3

Level 3: Match the recording of the word to the recording of the definition



If you aren't sure which option is correct, go to Resources - Breather 1 and download the pdf files. 



1. Look at the images in the grid. Move your cursor over an image to hear the definition.


2. Click Play. You now have to remember the position of the pictures in the grid. You have 30 seconds to do that.


3. Now the pictures will disappear. You will see and hear a phrase. You must now find it in the grid.

Text Gaps

You will see a piece of the video you saw in the unit. Your job is to fill in the gaps. Click on the word/phrase below and put it in the right place.





You will see words in two columns. Match them by clicking on the two words that make a pair. If your answer is correct, the words will disappear.




Activity Games

Organize this

First, you should read the READ THIS section in Activity Games. When you are ready, click on the phrase at the top and put it into the right category. Click on the category name to do that.

When you finish, click on the question mark to check your answers

The wrong answers will disappear, and you will be asked to put them in the right category again.


Visualize it

Look at the words. Make drawings or pictures. For example:



"take risks" - your picture might look like this:


Wrong Words

Read the sentences. In each sentence find the word which is WRONG and type it in the box.

When you finish, click on the question mark to check your answers.




Word Network

Look at the four words at the bottom. Find a dot in one of the three sections. Which of the words fits this category? E.g. in this case, the word which fits “apply to values is “social” , because we say “social values”.

Talk to Me

You will hear some questions. Imagine you are talking to the person on the screen.
Just sit down, relax, and spend a few minutes speaking in English.


True or false

Read the word and the definition. Is it correct or wrong? If it’s ok, type true in the box.


If it is not correct, type in false


Click on the question mark (?) to check your answer.


Odd one out

Look at the 4 words in each line. One of them does not suit the rest. Click on it.

For example, in the first line we see: set. challenge, achiever, accomplish. The wrong word is “achiever” because it is the only word NOT RELATED to age.



Most Useful

Look at the words below. Which of them are the most useful to you? Click on the word and then click on the position in the list where you want to put it. You decide which words are the most important.


There are two types of questions in the quiz.

In this question, choose the correct answer by putting a tick next to the word.  


Sometimes, more than one answer is correct.


In this type of question, you need to type your answer in the text box.



If you have a problem, click on the eye to see a hint.





You can click on the eye up to 3 times. You will lose some points if you do that.



Try this

There are two types of questions in the quiz.

In this question, choose the correct answer by putting a tick next to the word.  

Sometimes, more than one answer is correct.

In this type of question, you need to type your answer in the text box.


If you have a problem, click on the eye to see a hint.



You can click on the eye up to 3 times. You will lose some points if you do that.